She asked for it. She was flirting. She was drinking. She was wearing a revealing dress. She was too confident. She walked home alone. She stayed in that relationship. She was naïve. She didn’t report soon enough. She didn’t fight back. She wanted it. She lied about it. She comes from a bad area. She was vulnerable. She should have known. She should have seen it coming. She should have protected herself.
Village Foundation
We offer consultancy for business, community programs and connection for parents.
Encyclopedia of Recovery | The A-Z of recovering from Mental Ilness
I hope this site is at least of some help if you are going through a tough time. I hope it makes you laugh a bit, smile a bit, realise you are never ever alone and that recovery is possible.
The Mental Load: A Feminist Comic by Emma
“A new voice in comics is incisive, funny, and fiercely feminist.”
Yellow Lady Bugs
Yellow Ladybugs is an autistic-led, non-government organisation with strong bridges to the community. We are dedicated to the happiness, success and celebration of autistic girls and women1. We believe autistic individuals of all genders deserve to be recognised, valued, accepted and supported in order to realise their full potential.
Beyond Blue | Women share their advice for staying well
Beyond Blue created this lived experience video resource of women sharing what prompted them to seek support for their mental health, and their advice for other women and how they stay well.
WAM | Women and Mentoring
Empowering positive change in women. We run a unique, early intervention program that supports women and non-binary people in contact with the legal system by matching them individually with a supportive mentor.
13 Yarn | We’re here to yarn
Going through a tough time? We’re here to yarn.
QLife provides anonymous and free LGBTIQ+ peer support and referral for people in Australia wanting to talk about sexuality, identity, gender, bodies, feelings or relationships.
B-Town Warriors – ‘People of the Red Sunset’
This production was written, recorded and filmed over 5 days in April 2016 in the remote community of Bourke in far Western NSW. An out come of a Desert Pea Media community project with a group of young Indigenous people enrolled at Bourke High School.