Who is the AIMhi app for?
The AIMhi Stay Strong App is an innovative tool that addresses the mental health and wellbeing concerns of First Nations Australians using a cross-cultural approach.
The app is based on more than 15 years of research and collaboration within the Aboriginal and Islander Mental Health Initiative (AIMhi). It is designed to promote wellbeing by reviewing strengths, worries and the goals or changes people would like to make in their lives.
The AIMhi Stay Strong App assists service providers to deliver cost-effective, evidence-based wellbeing interventions to First Nations clients. It is designed to provide an effective, visually appealing, culturally relevant, low-intensity intervention suitable for clinician-supported delivery in a variety of primary care, specialist care and community settings.
Who developed the AIMhi app?
The AIMhi Stay Strong App was developed by Menzies School of Health Research, in partnership with Queensland University of Technology, through the translation of AIMhi care planning tools into a digital application.
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