FREE COURSE - Caring for yourself after sexual violence by Dr Jessica Taylor

Free Course – Caring for yourself after sexual violence by Dr Jessica Taylor

Peer2MeLEX (Lived Experiences), Online Learning, Support Organisations, Women's Physical Health

This course will take you through the following topics to support you in exploring how you care for yourself and process your own memories and feelings about being abused, raped, trafficked, exploited or assaulted:

  1. Reactions and responses to being subjected to sexual violence (during and after the abuse)
  2. Understanding the grooming process that an abuser or offender may have targeted you with
  3. Exploring forgiveness and anger towards abusers and people who let you down
  4. Understanding your own trauma responses and their purpose
  5. Exploring lifelong processing of the trauma, feelings and memories
  6. Experiencing victim blaming and self-blame
  7. Having sex and being intimate after sexual violence
  8. How to define and understand ourselves after sexual violence

You may want to keep a journal or notebook handy whilst you are reading and watching the videos. There are optional written/mental tasks for you to complete if you would like to explore your own feelings and thoughts further.


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